Join Our Research Panel
Great products start with the user
Products that improve people’s lives don’t come from a bunch of designers sitting in a room talking amongst themselves. They come from getting out and talking to the people who will use those products. Actual people – the users – on a regular basis. That’s what we do. And it’s why we need you.
We regularly conduct research studies to learn about people and how they use the products we’re designing. Our studies vary based on the project goals and needs, but we conduct most research remotely. That means you’d be taking a survey, dialing into a web conference to talk to us, or logging activities via a message board.
What’s in it for you?
Glimpses of new products, direct input into how they work, and opportunities to earn gift cards or other compensation.
Who can sign up?
Anyone! We need a broad range of people with varying skill sets, jobs, and experiences. As long as you’re over 18, you can sign up to participate.
Are you going to spam me with a bunch of marketing emails?
No! When you sign up here you are exclusively opting in for our research panel. The only times you’ll hear from us is when we have a study we’d like you to participate in (including links to complete short surveys) or if we are updating something specific to our research panel.
What do I need to do to get ready?
Because most of our studies are remote, you’ll need a computer and/or mobile device (depending on the study), internet connection, phone, and a quiet environment. We’ll let you know the specifics of what you need when we send you a study invite.
Will you pay me?
Each study varies and we’ll let you know if there is compensation and what it is up front before you agree to participate in a study.
How long do these studies take?
The most common type of study is quick usability tests. During these we’ll ask you participants to give us feedback on prototypes or websites via online screensharing. These are fast and will typically take less than 30 minutes. Sometimes we send out surveys, which are also short (5-10 minutes). Once in awhile there is a need for longer studies, but we’ll let you know those details at the time of the invite.
Still have questions or concerns?
Contact us
Sign-up up to participate
Please fill out this form and when we have a study we think you’re a fit for, we’ll contact you.